Thursday, May 14, 2015

Week Seven Breakdown

Week seven lab period we discussed the last leg of the term that we would be completing. We decided that we would meet up Monday afternoon and pick up the final materials that we need to finish the construction of the bridge. Then Monday afternoon at around seven we would gather and construct the final product, and we will finish the final presentation. We have decided this because next weekend a lot of us are leaving to go home for Memorial day weekend. We also tested the string that we would be using as the cable system for the bridge in lab. Although the string looks a little smaller than we would like, we concluded that with all the loops and holes we have in our three printed pylons that we would be able to use it because of the sheer amount we could use to support the platform.

Our draft for our final report was also handed into BBLearn as well as in class today. As for the final pieces that we will be picking up for the bridge, we decided on going to Home Depot, to pick up the final pieces to the puzzle. We are leaning towards balsa wood for the road, and Styrofoam for the base of the bridge to sit on. As for the attachment of the strings to the road we had a debate on whether we wood drill holes of tape the string to the wood. We have gone to the conclusion that we will tape the string to the bottom of the road and then place another piece of wood to the bottom over top of the tape to cover it up and make it look more professional. Another thing we are thinking about is spray painting the pylons to look more like the original design. The decision right now is to spray paint it a silver color, and that's where were at right now.

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