Monday, April 27, 2015

Biography of Members

This section creates a little background of the members that are designing this project. It includes bios on each member and provides a picture of them. 

Gautham Ravichandran
I am currently attending Drexel University and pursuing a chemical engineering degree. I am proficient with many computer aided design software such as Auto CAD and Inventor. I am also proficient with other similar software such as Creo. I have some experience working with shop tools. I also I have worked on various projects like the Rube Goldberg Module and the engineering bridge design project. My key role in both of these projects was being a researcher and analyzer.  I strongly emphasize teamwork because it is a vital part of proposing and designing an item. I also think that communication and organization both within and outside of a group is key to success for any engineering project.        
Hugh Farley
Hugh Farley is currently in his Freshmen year here at Drexel University. He is studying Mechanical Engineering, and is in his third term at Drexel. Hugh is from Belvidere, New Jersey, and is a the second oldest of five children. He graduated from Belvidere High School where he was apart of Varsity Basketball and Vice President of Student Government. His contributions to this current project is updating the blog weekly as well as research and helping build the model of the Rion Antirrion. Hugh loves playing basketball, Frisbee, and hanging with friends, as well as eating food all the time! 

Zakiya James
Zakiya James is currently a pre-junior studying Civil Engineering at Drexel University. She was born and raised in Washington DC and started her college education at the University of the District of Columbia where she spent her freshman and sophomore years. During the summer of her sophomore year Zakiya received acceptance to a research fellowship at Duke University where she completed extensive research on the Effects of Nanoceria on Microbial Growth and Function. After spending some time at Duke Zakiya decided it was time to transfer to a school that offered more research opportunities and hands on work. She later transferred to Drexel and is currently continuing her educational development there. After undergraduate Zakiya plans to continue on her education and work to get her PhD in structural engineering.

John Dabrowski 
My name is John Dabrowski. I am 18 years old and I was born and raised in New Jersey. I am a freshman here at Drexel and my major is Mechanical Engineering. I have experience with programs such as Matlab, AutoCAD, and Creo. For this project, I am mainly responsible for creating a 3-D model of the bridge pylons, which will then be 3-D printed and used in our model representation.

Hancong Ge
From September 2001 to June 2007, Hancong studied at Yingkou Hongqi primary school. From September 2007 to June 2010, he studied at Yingkou First Junior High School. From September 2010 to June 2013, he studied in Yingkou Senior High school. From September 2013 to June 2014, he studied in Dalian Maritime University. From April 2015 , Hancong began to study at Drexel University.

Technical Adviser:

Dr. Aspasia Zerva
Dr. Aspasia Zerva is a Professor in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering and an Affiliated Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. Before joining Drexel University in 1989, she was Assistant Professor at the City College of the City University of New York. She also held appointments as Visiting Fellow in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University, Visiting Associate (under an NSF Visiting Professorship POWRE award) in Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics at the California Institute of Technology, and Visiting Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Aristoteleion University in Thessaloniki, Greece. She also served as Program Director of the Earthquake Engineering Research Centers in the Division of Engineering Education and Centers, Directorate for Engineering, at the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Professor Zerva received her Diploma with Honors from the Department of Civil Engineering at the Aristoteleion University in Thessaloniki, Greece, her M.Sc. from the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and her Ph.D. from the Department of Civil Engineering also from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Her research interests span the areas of Engineering Seismology, with emphasis on the analysis of seismic spatial strong motion array data, modeling of spatially variable seismic ground motions, and wave propagation techniques, Earthquake Engineering, including linear and nonlinear dynamic response of complex structures, finite and boundary element modeling, and inverse problems in dynamics/system identification, and Probabilistic Methods, including structural reliability, random vibrations, model updating, simulation techniques and signal processing.
Professor Zerva

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