Thursday, April 30, 2015

Overview of Project

During Engineering 103 Design Lab, groups were told to research famous landmarks and structures and choose one to observe from an engineering point of view. Then, from the research found on these structures we were told to create a model, and explain adjustments that we would make to make the structure more sound, and better from a futuristic point of view. Obviously, the reason why we researched the buildings and bridges that we did, was because of their famous constructions, and engineering principles behind them to make them so famous. The adjustments that would be made to these landmarks would need to be creative, and we would need to think outside of the box for certain changes.

As for our decision we went with the Rion Antirrion Bridge which is in Greece and connects the Greek to the Peloponnese between the Corinth Gulf and Patraikos Gulf. This grabbed us because of it's insanely interesting design of cable systems, and the length being the longest bridge ever. After being attracted by these qualities, the research process began, and we discovered some interesting engineering problems that went along with its construction. The bridge was built on loose sediment, and somewhat unstable foundation of loose sand as well. This along with the fact that is was built near a earthquake prone fault line, and it has to deal with high wind areas, was enough to make this bridge a masterpiece of engineering.

The beginning of the process for making adjustments was an idea given by group member Gautham. He suggested that we some how incorporate a seismometer to the cable system so that when any sign of seismic activity occurs, the bridge is already in good position to adjust to the movement of its components. I also suggested that we adjust the way the foundations were installed, but this idea hasn't really panned out that much. 

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