Thursday, April 23, 2015

Week Four Breakdown

During week four we were informed that our surveys and teamwork assessments were due Friday and we started off the lab period doing these assessments and surveys. Then we spoke about the materials that we would be using for the construction of our model. The pillars are currently being 3D printed at this point so after they are ready and available for use, the rest of the materials can be put together and come together from that point on. As for the rest of the materials, we are going to need some sort of platform to put these things on. We also are going to need things for the platform of the bridge itself, and the strings that support the bridge from the pillars. For these materials and things that will be bonding them together like glue maybe tape, we are going to have to make a supply run out to the Home Depot. Then I realized from a blogger point of view that I needed to create to other sections, one being a background/tutorial/FAQ page for people that are trying to duplicate are process in the future. The other section is a biography section that includes little bios of each group member and the adviser with a picture. So these pages should be coming soon before the blog check next week!

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