Thursday, April 9, 2015

Week One Breakdown

During week one our group was formed, and we chose to do our Engineering 103 design project on the Rio Antirrio Bridge, a bridge that connects the Greek and the Peloponnese between the Corinth Gulf and Patraikos Gulf. This bridge is 2,880 meters and consists of six lanes which are 27 meters in width. After deciding on this project we met outside of class to start brainstorming on our approach and figuring out our proposal for the week two.

Some of our main concerns came up with the decision on how to go about building our model. Another problem that we came upon is how we were going to build this bridge any differently or better than the original engineering masterpiece that it had previously been built as. Our conclusion is that we plan to 3D print the four pillars that the bridge consist of, build the road on these pillars using plastic tracks, and attaching string to from the top of the pillars to the bridge making a cable system. Obviously this is going to be easier said then done, but as of right now this is our plan of creation for our model.

As for the design proposal we created a Google document, and divided the parts of the proposal among the group members on Monday night.

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