Thursday, April 30, 2015

Week Five Breakdown

We received the 3-D printings of the pillars and the one that was printed looked really good as it appears below. The only problem with the whole process of the 3-D printing was that it took almost 23 hours to print this one piece. The main source of error is that although the material in between the pillars is non existent, the printer still needs to print material to hold the cables in place, and this is why it takes so long. So what we did was adjusted the angle that we printed it from, and we did it sideways. This allowed us to print the pillar in separate pieces, and then hot glue them into place.
Pictures below.
Displaying IMG_3468.JPG
First Printing
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Tilted View
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Top View
Displaying IMG_3471.JPG
Second Printing
From this point on we are waiting for the rest of the pillars and are discussing the materials that we intend to use for the cables that go through the wholes on top of the pillars. We also are talking about what the road will be constructed from. We have to find that happy medium between stability, and strength for what the road will be able to hold up, using the stringed material of choice. Progress is being seen, but we definitely have a long road ahead of us!

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