Thursday, April 16, 2015

Week Two Breakdown

During week two lab session we discussed certain changes that we thought about to the actual design of the Rion Antirrion Bridge. Some of the faults that we came up with for this already well-built engineering masterpiece consisted of the foundation that it was built on and in, and it's practical way of dealing with both high winds, and being in an earthquake region. The bridge's pillars were built in a loose sediment about 60-65m underground. We understand that this is a reasonable layer to build it on, but there has got to be better foundation to put these pillars to make the bridge safer and sturdier overall.

As for the way that the bridge itself compensates for the possible seismic activity, as well as the high winds, there is a system that the bridge has that could be help in a more efficient way.

The creation of the four pillars has been started on Creo as well.

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